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Fueling Your Body Better With Guest Reshaunda Thornton

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The Happiness Formula 

On this episode of the St. Louis Pain Expert Podcast, Dr. Dave Candy and special guest Reshaunda Thornton discuss the affects nutrition has on your physical & mental health and well-being.

Want To Eat Healthier Or Lose Weight in 2021? Click the below to learn more!

Happy, Healthy New Year Program 

Background on Reshaunda Thornton 

You are a dietitian?” That’s a question I get asked constantly. Most expect to see a medical coat, a notepad, and an apple. I completely understand that’s the typical dietitian look! In my mid-twenties as a single mom, I decided to make some career changes that moved me across the country. This choice took me back to college where I acquired another degree and second career as a dietitian. I quickly chose to work in the field of preventive health and dove right in by starting my private practice called BetterVessel Nutrition. My life has been about taking risks, learning about myself, and making a choice to steer my own ship.

In this episode we discuss:

  • Where to start when you want to improve your diet
  • Nutritional items to help allow your body to heal from an injury
  • Foods that can cause inflammation
  • How much is too much?
  • Focus points for a nutritional life

To Connect with Reshaunda Thornton:


Phone: 832-771-7649


Instagram: @thedietitianagainstdietst

Ted Talk: Winning Your Food Fight

Book: Play To Win The Food Fight

Podcast: The Dietitian Against Diets

To Connect with Dr. Dave Candy:

Email or contact him at More 4 Life using the contact information below:

Chronic Pain You're Not Just Getting Older, You're Not Crazy, and It's Not All In Your Head by Dr. Dave Candy, owner of More 4 Life Physical Therapy

Get your copy of Dr. Candy's new book,
"Chronic Pain, You're Not Just Getting Older, You're Not Crazy, & It's Not All In Your Head - Learn The Secrets To Get Relief"
Now on Amazon in Paperback and Kindle Versions.

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