St. Louis Holistic Pain Relief Specialist
 Call To Schedule 314-941-3970

Affiliate Disclosure

Affiliate disclosure:

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) requires online businesses to disclose whenever there is a financial interest or bias related to a recommendation or whenever those recommendations may be financially motivated in any way. More importantly, We want to be transparent and honest with readers and to disclose how we make money from this website.

Affiliate Links

The FTC also requires disclosure about any affiliate links. From time to time, we provide links to products or services on this website. We only recommend products or services that we truly feel are valuable and helpful.  However, most of the time these links are affiliate links, which means that we will earn a commission if you decide to buy the product or service linked to.  This comes at no additional cost to you.

As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
If you have any questions about this disclosure feel free to email