At More 4 Life Physical Therapy, We Help Women In Ballwin Age 40 & Above Relieve Chronic, Nagging Aches & Pains Without Pills, Injections, or Surgery So They Can Stay Active, Mobile, & Healthy and Get More From Life.
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Need Physical Therapy In Ballwin?
Choose from one of the following FREE options below to get in touch with our specialist physical therapist...
FREE Discovery Visit
If you've tried physical therapy before and it hasn't worked, or if you just have some doubts that we can help, this FREE visit will let you discover how we help you, even if regular physical therapy has failed!
FREE Phone Consultation!
We understand there are lots of choices for physical therapy in Ballwin. Our specialist physical therapist would be happy to chat with you so that you can be 100% confident that we can help you before you decide to come in for treatment
How To Find The BEST Physical Therapy In Ballwin:
If you're looking for a physical therapist in Ballwin, you'll quickly find that Ballwin has an abundance of physical therapy providers. The choice can be overwhelming! The question you need to ask yourself when choosing the BEST physical therapist for you is, "What outcome do I want from going to physical therapy?"
A lot of people get a prescription for physical therapy from their doctor, they call the closest clinic to them, and make an appointment.
It's just physical therapy right? Won't the doctor tell the physical therapist what my problem is and what treatments I should have?
So the patient arrives at their first appointment, and the physical therapist asks, "So Mrs. Smith, what brings you in today?" And Mrs. Smith thinks for a minute and responds, "Well, Dr. Jones sent me. Didn't he tell you what to do on the prescription?" The physical therapist looks down at the prescription and sees written, "Back pain. Evaluate and treat."
So, let's look at what occurred in this VERY COMMON situation. The patient arrived at physical therapy UNCERTAIN OF WHAT SHE WANTED TO GET OUT OF IT, and believing that Dr. Jones would tell the physical therapist everything to do. And the sad truth is, Mrs. Smith will likely get EXACTLY the outcome she wanted... UNCERTAINTY.
So the physical therapist goes on to give Mrs. Smith some common exercise that are used to treat back pain. They help a little bit, but the pain never goes away completely and eventually Mrs. Smith either hits a plateau, runs out of visits covered by her insurance, or gets tired of doing silly exercises that aren't really helping anymore. And eventually she stops going to physical therapy and the pain goes back to the way it was before she started physical therapy... or sometimes even worse!
The moral of the story... DON'T BE LIKE MRS. SMITH!
Want A Better Option?
Talk To A Specialist Physical Therapist In Ballwin!
If you just want a few physical therapy sessions because your doctor said so and don't care about getting a certain outcome, then by all means, go to any physical therapist in Ballwin, and you'll get exactly that.
But, chances are more than likely that SOMETHING SPECIFIC caused you to go to the doctor in the first place. A lot of times that is a symptom of pain. But most people can tolerate a little bit (or some people even a lot) of pain. However, when the pain starts to interfere with the things you need or want do, or you start to worry about not understanding what is wrong, losing your independence, or possibly facing surgery, then it becomes a problem and you take action to do something about it... such as go to the doctor or go see a physical therapist. Furthermore, the pain is just the symptom, and if you only treat the symptom and don't address the CAUSE of the pain, then just like Mrs. Smith, the pain will eventually come back!
So if you want a successful outcome from physical therapy that is more than just temporary, the question to ask yourself is:
"What is the Number 1 Thing that I want to get out of going to physical therapy?"
If you don't have a definite goal in mind, then how in the world can your physical therapist help you to achieve it?
Not all physical therapy is the same!
The most common experience in "typical" physical therapy is to get a bunch of exercises, maybe a 10-20 minutes of hands on treatment at most, and maybe some heat, ice, ultrasound, or electrical stimulation. The rest of the time, you either do exercises on your own, or work with a technician who may have either a high school or college degree, but no formal training in physical therapy. Your physical therapist will often treat 2-3 (or sometimes even 4!) patients at a time and bounce back and forth between them. Often the exercises you get are general exercises that people get for "back pain" or "knee pain" or "shoulder pain". And where did the physical therapist get those exercises? Often, its not from doing an in-depth evaluation and daily re-evaluation of your symptoms, but rather they replicate what the physical therapist they learned from did. And that person replicated the therapist before them... and that person the therapist before them... and so on, without anyone ever taking the time to sit down and as "WHY?"
Now if you want general exercises for a general problem, then that's great! But, if you want a solution to YOUR specific problem based of YOUR unique needs, goals, and values, then you need a physical therapist who will take the time (more than 10-20 minutes) to LISTEN and find out what concerns you the most and what you hope to get out of coming to physical therapy. And that's exactly what we do at More 4 Life Physical Therapy!
So ask yourself again:
"What is the Number 1 Thing that I want to get out of going to physical therapy?"
and let us know...
Click the button below to request a Discovery Visit with our Specialist Physical Therapist to help you discover if More 4 Life Physical Therapy can help you get back the happier, healthier, less painful life you want.