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Stand In The Kitchen With Less Back Pain

Thanksgiving is coming up next week! Many people will be standing in the kitchen and on their feet for hours cooking within the next week or less. If you have back pain, then standing in the kitchen for hours at a time may cause a flare up of even more back pain!

Use the tips in this video to learn how to stand in the kitchen with less back pain while preparing your holiday meals during this holiday season!

Do You Get Back Pain When Standing In The Kitchen While Cooking?

Try out these tips when cooking your holiday meals this year:

  1. Sit Down If You Can- If you’re going to be on your feet for hours on end cooking, then give yourself a break when you can.  Sit down when chopping or mixing things to take time off of your feet and off of your back!
  2. Roll Your Pelvis Under You To Keep Your Spine In A Neutral Position - Roll your pelvis underneath  of you by pushing it towards and into the counter where you are cooking.
  3. Lean Your Upper Body Forward- Most people who have back pain have a tendency to lean backward while they are standing and extend their spine.  You actually want to lean forward!  This will feel really strange to you because it's different than your normal ways, and will feel like you are hunched over. Just because it doesn't feel "normal" doesn't make it wrong... your spine is probably in a neutral position and helping you relieve your back pain!

Using these tips can help you stand in the kitchen with less back pain this holiday season!  Thanks for reading our blog post! We're Thankful to have valuable patients, continuous readers, and future clients just like you!

Thanksgiving is coming up next week! Many people will be standing in the kitchen and on their feet for hours cooking within the next week or less. If you have back pain, then standing in the kitchen for hours at a time may cause a flare up of even more back pain!

Use the tips in this video to learn how to stand in the kitchen with less back pain while preparing your holiday meals during this holiday season!

Do You Get Back Pain When Standing In The Kitchen While Cooking?

Try out these tips when cooking your holiday meals this year:

  1. Sit Down If You Can- If you’re going to be on your feet for hours on end cooking, then give yourself a break when you can.  Sit down when chopping or mixing things to take time off of your feet and off of your back!
  2. Roll Your Pelvis Under You To Keep Your Spine In A Neutral Position - Roll your pelvis underneath  of you by pushing it towards and into the counter where you are cooking.
  3. Lean Your Upper Body Forward- Most people who have back pain have a tendency to lean backward while they are standing and extend their spine.  You actually want to lean forward!  This will feel really strange to you because it's different than your normal ways, and will feel like you are hunched over. Just because it doesn't feel "normal" doesn't make it wrong... your spine is probably in a neutral position and helping you relieve your back pain!

Using these tips can help you stand in the kitchen with less back pain this holiday season!  Thanks for reading our blog post! We're Thankful to have valuable patients, continuous readers, and future clients just like you!

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