If your back hurts when twisting, there are 2 common back pain exercises to avoid.
If you're unsure if this applies to you, some examples might include back pain when:
- Rolling over in bed
- Getting out of bed
- Getting out of the car
- Loading the dishwasher
- Taking laundry from the washer to the dryer
- Sports like golf, tennis, or pickleball
Watch the video below to learn which back pain exercises to avoid, and what to do instead.
Why You Should Avoid Twisting Exercises
Understanding why twisting is so bad for your lower back can help you avoid exacerbating back pain.
The joints in your lower back are aligned in such a way that when you twist more than just a few degrees to one side or the other, the joints jam into one another.
This can create facet joint pain and can shear the discs.
Back Pain Exercise to Avoid #1
The first exercise to avoid is one where you take your leg and cross it across your body while keeping the other shoulder back on the floor or bed.
This causes excessive rotation in the lower back, leading to facet joints jamming together and shearing on the discs.
Alternative to Exercise 1
Instead, take one leg and cross it over while pulling your knee towards the opposite shoulder.
This stretches out the muscles in the back of your hip and buttocks.
Many people who have back pain when twisting have stiffness in their hips, causing them to move more from the lower back.
This alternative exercise minimizes the amount of twisting at the lower back and focuses on the hip muscles.
Hold the stretch for 1 minute, then repeat on the opposite side.
Back Pain Exercise to Avoid #2
The second exercise to avoid is lower trunk rotation where you twist from side to side.
Much like the first back pain exercise to avoid, this encourages excessive rotation, which can aggravate your lower back pain.
Alternatives to Exercise 2
Instead, do a mini trunk rotation exercise.
Rotate your hips and pelvis through just a slight movement, staying within the few of degrees of rotation that the lower back allows.
This should not feel like a stretch.
This exercise uses your abdominal muscles, specifically your obliques, to control the rotation. Therefore, it's actually more of a core stability exercise than a stretch.
Bent Knee Fall Out Exercise
Another option is to put one leg out straight with the other knee bent. Use your abdominal muscles to flatten your lower back into the floor or bed.
Put your fingers on the front of your pelvis as shown below.
Lower the bent leg down while keeping your pelvis still. Focus on moving your hip without allowing your pelvis or lower back to twist.
Repeat 10 repetitions on one leg, then switch legs and do 10 repetitions on the other leg.
Other Exercises To Prevent Back Pain When Twisting
Improving hip rotation and thoracic (upper back) rotation can reduce the strain on your lower back.
Hip Swivel Exercise
Your hips are ball and socket joints, ideally suited for rotation. Practice hip swivels to engage your hip joints while keeping your core tight.
Thoracic Rotation Exercise
For thoracic rotation, sit down in a chair and tighten your abdominals tight. Twist your upper trunk while keeping your lower back stable.
Twist 10 times in each direction, focusing on keeping your belly button pointed straight ahead.
Avoid letting your lower back twist.
Quadratus Lumborum Stretch
The other alternative is to do a quadratus lumborum stretch.
This exercise combines trunk rotation in on direction with sidebending in the opposite direction.
Twist from your upper trunk to place your elbow on the opposite knee. Then raise your other arm up in the air and sidebend your trunk away from the arm that is in the air.
Take 5-10 deep breaths in this position.
Hopefully this post gave you a better understand of which back pain exercises to avoid, especially if you get pain when twisting.
By avoiding exercises that focus on twisting through your lower back and doing hip and trunk rotation exercises instead, you can reduce your back pain and prevent further aggravating it.
Remember, it's important to get help from a healthcare professional in order to find out what specific exercises are best for your back as well as which exercises to avoid.
Need Help For Back Pain?
If you live in the St. Louis area and want to find a long-term solution to your back pain, we'd be happy to help.
Just tap the button below to request an appointment with one of our specialist physical therapists.