Transforming Your Health With Guest Kimberly Lebbing

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kimberly lebbing

On this episode, Dr. Dave Candy and special guest Kimberly Lebbing discuss how to use your thoughts to program your mind to transform your health.

Key Takeaways:

  • Finding the root cause to self-sabotaging thoughts and feelings
  • Getting under your conscious and subconscious level to transform your thoughts and life
  • Using thoughts to re-frame your day
  • Common blocks that may self-sabotage when it comes to nutrition or weight loss
  • Overcoming self-worth issues.
  • What is Timeline Therapy?

About Kimberly Lebbing

Kimberly Lebbing is a Certified Health Coach, Certified Neuro-Linguistic Programming Master Coach, Certified Neuro-Linguistic Programming Master Coach, and Certified Trainer of Neuro-Linguistic Programming. She  helps YOU get out of your own way so that you can start achieving your goals. Kimberly's focus is on the whole person- your faith, health, relationships, and finances - when you shift your mindset, you experience transformation in all areas of life!


To Connect with Kimberly Lebbing




To Connect with Dr. Dave Candy:

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