Ditch The Pills For A Natural Approach To Health With Guest Dr. Sarah Spencer

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sarah spencer

Ditch The Pills For A Natural Approach To Health

On this episode of the St. Louis Pain Expert Podcast, Dr. Dave Candy and special guest Dr. Sarah Spencer of All Out Nutrition & Wellness, discuss the importance of detox and why you should take that extra step to improve your health. Also, they talk about why you are having digestive pain and the value of nutritional supplements.

Background on Dr. Sarah Spencer 

Dr. Sarah Spencer was born and raised in rural central Missouri. She graduated with a Doctorate of Pharmacy black & white grain headshot from the University of Missouri-Kansas City in May 2007. She attained Advanced Clinical Practitioner certificate in Nutrition Response Testing in the fall of 2011. She’s always loved working with others and being a part of something bigger.

She and her son love to spend time together whether it’s at the office, out in nature, or building trains and other fort like things at home!

​In this episode we discuss:

  • Dr. Sarah's transition from a Pharmacist to Wellness
  • 3 big nutritional MISTAKES people make
  • Easy tips for someone transitioning into eating better
  • The affect food has on inflammation and pain
  • How nutrition affects tissue healing
  • Psychological barrier that people face when eating better and how to overcome those barriers

To Connect with Dr. Sarah Spencer:

Website: http://alloutnutrition.com/

Phone: 314-529-1754

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DrSarahSpencer

To Connect with Dr. Dave Candy:

Email dave@stlpainexpert.com or contact him at More 4 Life using the contact information below:

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