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Relieve Outer Upper Thigh Pain When Walking

Do You Get Outer Upper Thigh Pain When Walking?

Watch the video to learn an easy exercise to relieve outer upper thigh pain when walking.
Plus learn what to do to keep the pain from coming back in the future.

7 Simple Tips To Get Rid Of Hip Pain by Dr. Dave Candy, More 4 Life Physical Therapy, St. Louis, MO

Joint Causes of Outer Upper Thigh Pain When Walking

The primary joint involved in outer upper thigh pain when walking is the hip joint.

Although many people think of the hip joint as the bump on the side of their hip, the actual ball-and-socket joint is located deeper in the groin area.

The hip joint can cause upper thigh pain when walking

If you're experiencing arthritis in this joint, pain often manifests in the front of the thigh, near the groin.

As the cartilage wears down in the hip joint, the surfaces of the joint get closer together, leading to pain with movement, especially when walking.

Weakness in the gluteal muscles can also cause your hip to drop and shift inward, which can increase the pain.

Muscular Causes of Outer Upper Thigh Pain When Walking

There are several muscles that can cause outer upper thigh pain when walking, particularly the quadriceps and the hip abductor muscles.

Two quadriceps muscles, the vastus intermedius and vastus lateralis, often contribute to pain in this area.

The quadriceps can cause outer and upper thigh pain when walking

The vastus intermedius lies deeper and can cause pain down the front of the thigh, while the vastus lateralis can refer pain down the outer side of the thigh.

This pain is sometimes mistaken for IT band syndrome, but it’s often due to trigger points in the muscles underneath the IT band.

Nerve-Related Causes of Outer Upper Thigh Pain

Nerves can also play a role in upper thigh pain when walking. For example, compression of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve can lead to a condition called meralgia paresthetica, causing burning or numbness on the outer part of the thigh. This nerve compression may result from tight clothing, obesity, or prolonged walking.

Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve can cause outer upper thigh pain when walking

Non-Musculoskeletal Causes

While most causes of outer upper thigh pain when walking are musculoskeletal, it’s important to rule out non-musculoskeletal causes like vascular issues or infections. If your pain is accompanied by symptoms like swelling, fever, or redness, it's crucial to see your primary care physician to get it checked out.

Tips for Relieving Outer Upper Thigh Pain

Here are some tips to help relieve outer upper thigh pain when walking:

1. Strengthen Your Glutes

One of the most effective ways to relieve hip joint pain is by strengthening your gluteal muscles. A simple exercise is to stand on one leg, squeeze your glutes, and maintain balance.

Single leg balance exercise to relieve outer upper thigh pain when walking

This can help support your hip joint during walking.

2. Massage Tight Muscles

If you have tightness in your thigh muscles, a massage gun can help relieve pain by loosening stiff tissues. Focus on the quadriceps and hip abductor muscles, especially the vastus lateralis and tensor fascia latae (TFL).

3. Stretch the Tensor Fascia Latae (TFL)

The TFL muscle can become tight and contribute to pain in the outer thigh.

Tensor fascia lata

Stretching this muscle, along with balancing exercises, can reduce tension in the area.

By addressing the muscles, joints, and nerves that may be causing your pain, you can significantly improve your walking experience. If you need more personalized help, consider consulting a physical therapist.

Need Help For Outer or Upper Thigh Pain When Walking?

If you live in the St. Louis area and need help for outer or upper thigh pain, we'd be happy to help you here at More 4 Life.

We'll can:

  • help you figure out what's causing your thigh pain
  • do hands-on treatment to get you quick relief
  • teach you want to do to keep the pain from coming back in the future

If you'd like help for your thigh pain, just tap the button below to request an appointment with one of our specialist physical therapists.

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