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Numbness in Thumb and Index Finger? It’s NOT Just Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

If you get numbness in your thumb and index finger, you may think that you have carpal tunnel syndrome. And you very well may, but there are other things that can cause it as well.

Watch the video below to learn the two most common causes of numbness in your thumb and index finger, along with treatments for each of them.

Table of Contents

Common Causes of Numbness in Thumb and Index Finger

One of the most common causes of numbness in these fingers is carpal tunnel syndrome.

The carpal tunnel is a tunnel formed in your wrist, with the sides and floor made up by your carpal bones and a ligament over the top called the transverse carpal ligament.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome can cause numbness in thumb, index finger, and middle finger

Through this tunnel run the tendons to your fingers as well as the median nerve, which goes into your first three fingers and part of your ring finger.

However, numbness in the thumb and index finger can also be caused by an issue with the C6 nerve root in your neck.

Cervical Spine Labeled

This can lead to symptoms similar to carpal tunnel syndrome, but the source of the problem is different.

Differentiating Between Causes of Numbness In Thumb and Index Finger

To determine whether the numbness is due to carpal tunnel syndrome or a neck issue, consider the following:

  • Location: If you experience numbness and tingling in the thumb and index finger only, but not in the middle or ring finger, the issue might be with the C6 nerve root in your neck. The C6 nerve root specifically affects these two fingers.
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: If you have symptoms in all three fingers or part of the fourth, it might be more likely that the problem is with the carpal tunnel. Symptoms that worsen with wrist movement or fine motor activities can also indicate carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • Flick Sign and Tinel’s Sign: If flicking your wrist relieves symptoms, it might suggest carpal tunnel syndrome. Additionally, tapping on the carpal tunnel area can also help in diagnosing carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • C6 Nerve Root Issues: Symptoms aggravated by head tilting, turning, or looking upwards may indicate a problem with the C6 nerve root. Any motion that affects these symptoms could suggest a neck issue.

Treatments for Numbness in Thumb and Index Finger

Here are some treatments for both carpal tunnel syndrome and C6 nerve root issues:

Neck Treatments

To address issues with the C6 nerve root, try this exercise:

First rib mobilization to relieve numbness in thumb and index finger coming from the neck

  1. Use a stretching strap or belt. Place it over your shoulder and secure it by sitting on the other end.
  2. Pull the strap across your chest near your neck, holding it in place to open up the spaces where the nerves pass through.
  3. Gently move your neck to stretch the nerves and muscles around the first rib and collarbone.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatments

For carpal tunnel syndrome, try these exercises:

  1. Extend your wrist and keep your elbow straight to stretch the tendons and open up the carpal tunnel.
  2. Spread your palm and fingers widely to help open the space around the transverse carpal ligament.
  3. Massage the muscles around the base of your thumb and little finger to help relieve tension.

Nerve Glides

To move the median nerve and relieve tension, try this exercise:

Median nerve glide exercise for numbness in thumb and index finger Median nerve glide exercise for numbness in thumb and index finger

  1. Extend your arm, keeping your palm up and wrist back, and tilt your head away to put the median nerve under tension.
  2. Move your arm and head gently to provide pain-free movement experiences for the nerve.

Relieving Numbness In Thumb and Index Finger at Night

For relief at night:

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Hopefully you found this post helpful to determine the cause of the numbness in your thumb and index finger as well as to learn some possible treatment options.

Need Help For Numbness In Your Thumb and Index Finger?

If you live in the St. Louis area and need help to get rid of numbness in your thumb and index finger, tap the button below to request an appointment with one of our specialist physical therapists.

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