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Improve Balance & Relieve Foot Pain With This Easy Exercise

Do You Have Foot Pain? Poor Balance?
Recurrent Ankle Sprains?

This simple, but effective exercise can help!

Watch the video below to learn how...

Use These Tips To Improve Balance & Relieve Foot Pain

  1. Pick a foot to start with
  2. Focus on forming an arch in that foot that is on the ground
  3. Lift up your opposite leg off the ground
  4. Try not to let your foot that is on the ground flatten or roll too much out to the side.
  5. Do this for as many seconds as you can, but start low
  6. Switch feet and repeat.

Make this a part of your everyday routine to help you improve your balance, relieve foot & ankle pain, and prevent recurrent ankle sprains.

Do You Want More Great Tips To Relieve Foot Pain?

Request a copy of our FREE Plantar Fasciitis Guide...

6 Easy Ways To East Plantar Fasciitis, written by St. Louis Plantar Fasciitis Specialist Dr. Dave Candy, Physical Therapist. 6 Easy Ways To Ease Plantar Fasciitis is full of self-treatment for plantar fasciitis. Published by More 4 Life Physical Therapy serving St. Louis County MO: Ballwin, MO; Manchester, MO, Chesterfield, MO; Ellisville, MO; Des Peres, MO

6 Easy Ways To Ease Plantar Fasciitis

This FREE guide explains 6 easy ways to ease plantar fasciitis that you can start using right away! Plus get a special offer on custom orthotics for plantar fasciitis relief.

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