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Why Do I Get Sharp, Stabbing Back Pain When I Stand Up From Sitting?

Do You Get Sharp, Stabbing Back Pain When Standing Up From Sitting?

Watch this video to learn what causes it, how to stop it, and how to prevent it from happening in the future.

Sharp, Stabbing Back Pain When You Stand Up?

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Why Do I Get Sharp, Stabbing Back Pain When I Stand Up From Sitting?

If you experience sharp, stabbing back pain when you stand up from sitting, you’re not alone.

This type of pain often occurs in the buttock and can feel like your lower back and hip are locked. It might force you to pause before straightening up or taking a step.

A common cause of this sharp, stabbing back pain is a hypermobile or excessively mobile sacroiliac (SI) joint.

The SI joint connects your spine to your pelvis and helps transfer weight between your upper and lower body.

When one SI joint moves too much, it can get stuck, especially after being in a fixed, end-range position like sitting or bending forward.

An SI Joint Dysfunction Can Cause A Sharp, Stabbing Back Pain When You Stand Up From Sitting

When you stand up, your pelvis must rotate forward. If one of the SI joints is stuck, this movement is restricted, causing the sharp pain.

How to Relieve Back Pain When You Stand Up From Sitting

To relieve sharp back pain when standing up, focus on stabilizing your SI joints.

Here’s a simple method to stand up without back pain:

  1. Lean forward slightly while still seated.
  2. Engage your abdominal muscles and squeeze your glutes.
  3. Use your glute muscles to push your hips forward as you rise.
  4. Come up about 75% of the way and take a step with the non-painful leg first.

How to stand up from sitting without sharp, stabbing back pain.

By engaging your muscles, you support the SI joints and reduce the chance of them locking.

Stretch to Relieve SI Joint Pain

If the pain persists, you can also try a simple stretch at home.

Lie on your back with the non-painful leg pulled toward your chest and the other leg hanging off the edge of the bed.

SI joint stretch

Gently squeeze your glutes and hold for five seconds, then relax and repeat 3-5 times.

This stretch helps reset the SI joint.

Pro Tip: If you have someone to help you, have them gently push down on your thigh while you resist them.  Then relax and have them gently take up the slack and push your leg down a little farther.

how to fix SI joint pain 3

How to Prevent Back Pain When Standing Up In The Future

Preventing sharp back pain when standing up involves strengthening the muscles that stabilize your SI joints.

Your glutes and deep abdominal muscles are key players in this process.

Here’s a beginner exercise to strengthen your glutes:

  1. Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
  2. Perform a pelvic tilt by flattening your back against the floor.
  3. Squeeze your glutes and gently push your knees outward.
  4. Lift your hips slightly off the floor, hold for 5-10 seconds, and then lower back down.

bridge exercise

Repeat this exercise 10 times daily to build strength and improve SI joint stability.

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