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3 At-Home Trigger Point Treatments for Hip Pain Relief

Do You Get Pain on The Outside of Your Hip?

Watch below the video to learn 3 simple trigger point treatments for hip pain that you can do at home.

7 Simple Tips To Get Rid Of Hip Pain by Dr. Dave Candy, More 4 Life Physical Therapy, St. Louis, MO

Can Trigger Point Treatments Help Hip Pain?

If you have outer hip pain, trigger point treatments can provide incredibly fast relief.

Some trigger point treatments for hip pain include:

    • Trigger point injections
  • Dry needling
  • Trigger point massage

However, these treatments require seeing a healthcare professional and can become costly over time.

And yes, we DO provide dry needling and trigger point massage at here at More 4 Life.

However, while these methods are effective, they are temporary unless you address the underlying causes. (We can teach you to do that as well.)

In the meantime, it can be helpful to perform your own trigger point therapy at home.

This guide will teach you how to perform trigger point treatments to relieve hip pain at home.

Trigger Points in the Gluteus Medius and Minimus

The gluteus medius and minimus are fan-shaped muscles on the outside of the hip, above the hipbone.

gluteus medius and minimus trigger points an cause outer hip pain

These muscles help move your leg away from the body and balance your hip during single-leg activities. Weakness or overuse of these muscles can cause painful trigger points.

How to Locate Gluteus Medius and Minimus Trigger Points

Find the area just on top of your hipbone. Move your fingers back and forth perpendicular to the muscle fibers.  It is easiest to do do this lying down with your sore leg on top.  This ensures that your muscles are relaxed.

  • Anterior fibers: These fibers run up and forward from the hip bone.  Rub your fingers perpendicular to the fibers
  • Middle fibers: These muscle fibers run straight up and down, so rub your fingers straight side to side.
  • Posterior fibers: These fibers run up and backward from the hip bone.  Rub your fingers perpendicular to the fibers

How to Treat Gluteus Medius and Minimus Trigger Points

Use a massage gun with a trigger point attachment for sustained pressure. Hold the massage gun stationary over the trigger point for 1.5 to 3 minutes, gradually applying deeper pressure.

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Trigger Points in the Tensor Fasciae Latae

The tensor fasciae latae (TFL) is located between the front of your hip and the outer hipbone.

Trigger points in the tensor fasciae latae can cause hip pain

Unlike the gluteal muscles, the TFL is often too dominant, leading to tightness and trigger points.

How to Locate and Tensor Fasciae Latae Trigger Points

Draw an imaginary line between the front hip bone (Anterior superior iliac spine) and the greater trochanter.

hip and pelvis

Run your fingers perpendicular to this line to find tight, tender areas.

How to Locate and Tensor Fasciae Latae Trigger Points

Once you locate the trigger points, hold a massage gun over the tender areas for 1.5 to 3 minutes. Gradually increasing pressure and depth as you're able.

Trigger Points in the Hip External Rotators

The hip external rotators include six muscles, such as the piriformis, that lie deep in the buttock. These
muscles rotate the hip and stabilize it.

Trigger Points in the Hip External Rotators Can Cause Hip Pain

  1. Piriformis
  2. Gemellus Superior
  3. Obturator Internus
  4. Gemellus Inferior
  5. Obturator Externus
  6. Quadratus Femoris

Trigger points in these muscles are common sources of hip pain.

How to Locate Trigger Points in the Hip External Rotators

Move your fingers back and forth near the back of the hip bone (greater trochanter). Feel for areas that fee knotted and are tender to touch.

How to Treat Trigger Points in the Hip External Rotators

Once you located a trigger point, use a massage gun around the bony areas of the greater trochanter or sacrum. Avoid the soft spot between the bones in order to prevent sciatic nerve irritation.

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A Final Note on Trigger Point Treatments for Hip Pain

Trigger point treatments may provide temporary relief from hip pain.  However, lasting results require addressing muscle imbalances.

Both weak muscles or overactive muscles can trigger points.

Therefore, long-term relief requires strengthening the weak hip muscles and relaxing the overactive ones.

Need Help For Hip Pain?

If you live in the St. Louis area and need 1-on-1 help to get rid of hip pain, tap the button below to request an appointment with one of our specialist physical therapists.

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