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Relieve Annoying, Achy Pain in Outer Hip Joint and Glute Muscles

If you have a nagging, achy pain in your outer hip joint and you'd like to get rid of it, watch this video to learn 2 tricks to relieve hip pain quickly. Plus, learn what to do to keep the pain from coming back in the future.

7 Simple Tips To Get Rid Of Hip Pain by Dr. Dave Candy, More 4 Life Physical Therapy, St. Louis, MO

Common Cause of Achy Pain in Outer Hip Joint

Pain in the outer hip joint is rarely caused by true "joint pain" such as arthritis... even if you have hip arthritis on your x-rays.

Outer hip pain is most commonly causes by the soft tissues that run over the bump on the outside of the hip known as the greater tuberosity.

Bursitis In Hips? Exercises To Relieve Bilateral Trochanteric Bursitis

Is outer hip joint pain really from bursitis?

When many patients visit the doctor with a complaint of outer hip joint pain, the doctor may press right over the hip bone and ask, "Does it hurt?" 

If the patient says yes, they commonly get a diagnosis of hip bursitis.

The bursa is a small fluid-filled sac over the outside of the hip that creates a friction barrier between the hip bone and the gluteal tendons that run over it.

However, most outer hip joint pain isn't caused by bursitis or inflammation of the bursa.

Instead, it's often caused by issues with the gluteal muscles that run over the outside of the hips, or the tensor fascia lata, a small muscle that attaches to the IT band.

Tensor Fascia Lata (TFL) and IT band

Outer hip pain from gluteal trigger points

Most outer hip pain musculotendinous in nature.  It comes from hip gluteal tendinopathy or knots or trigger points in the gluteal muscles and/or tensor fascia lata.

Using Pressure Points for Hip Pain Relief

In the office, we often have patients lie on their side, locate the trigger point, and either perform manual trigger point therapy or dry needling.

At home though, using a tennis ball can be quite helpful to release trigger points in the outer hip and glute muscles.

How To Use A Tennis Ball To Release Trigger Points in Outer Hip and Glute Muscles

Place the tennis ball, place it right over the tender spot on your gluteal muscle (not directly on the hip bone).

The muscles lie just above the bump (greater trochanter) on the outer hip.

gluteus maximus, medius, and minimus

Find the area that's the most tender and sore.

Relieve achy outer hip joint pain with tennis ball glute release

Lie on your side on a hard surface, such as the floor, to get some pressure from the floor pushing through the ball into your hip.

Relieve achy outer hip joint pain with tennis ball glute release 2

Propping up on your elbow can help control the pressure.

Stay in this position for about 1.5 to 3 minutes to release the trigger point.

You can also release the tensor fascia lata by moving the ball slightly more forward on your hip using the same technique.

Using a Massage Gun to Relieve Pain In Outer Hip and Glutes

A massage gun is another useful tool to relieve outer hip and glute pain.

The X6 Pro from Bob and Brad is a good option because it has a metal head that can get deeper into the tissues.

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Use the massage gun over the tender areas of the gluteal muscles (not directly on the hip bone).

Relieve achy outer hip joint pain with massage gun

Hold the massage gun over each sore or tender area for about 30 seconds each.

Strengthening Exercise to Prevent Recurrence of Pain In Outer Hip

While the methods above can provide quick relief from outer hip pain, addressing the underlying cause is essential to prevent the pain from recurring.

To prevent the pain from coming back, strengthening exercises are crucial.

The muscle imbalance between your gluteal muscles and the tensor fascia lata needs to be addressed. Both muscles help balance you on one leg when standing.

To correct these muscle imbalances, practice stand on one leg.

pelvis level single leg stance exercise for hip arthritis

Avoid letting your knee knock in or your pelvis drop.

This exercise helps strengthen the gluteal muscles and prevent future pain.

Once you've mastered that basic balance exercise, you may be ready for more advanced balance exercises.

Need Help for Outer Hip Pain?

If you live in the St. Louis area and need help for hip pain, tap the button below to request an appointment with one of our specialist physical therapists.  We'll help you get back to the active, healthy life you want.

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