If you want to improve your mobility, strength, & balance without needing exercise equipment, try this full-body chair exercise routine for seniors.
Watch the video below to learn how to do each exercise.
Full-Body Chair Exercise Routine For Seniors
- Benefits of Chair Exercises for Seniors
- Overview of the Chair Exercise Routine
- Chair Mobility Exercises
- Chair Strengthening Exercises
- Conclusion
Benefits of Chair Exercises for Seniors
Chair exercises are ideal for seniors looking for a safe way to stay active. These exercises provide numerous benefits, including:
- Improved muscle strength and flexibility
- Better balance and reduced risk of falls
- Enhanced circulation and joint mobility
- A gentle way to stay active with minimal strain
Overview of the Routine
This routine focuses on building strength, improving flexibility, and boosting balance. It includes seated and supported exercises, making it accessible for seniors at any fitness level.
Chair Mobility Exercises
Neck Mobility Exercise
Sit upright and gently turn your head side to side.
Repeat 10 times per side to ease neck tension.
Shoulder and Lat Stretch
Sit upright in the chair with both forearms parallel to each other. Reach your hands up as high as you can comfortably toward the shoulder.
Make sure to keep your forearms parallel. Don't let your elbows flare out to the side.
Hold the top position for 10 seconds. Then slowly lower your arms and repeat 10 times. .
Chest Stretch
Sit tall with your arms up like a goal post. Then gently squeeze your shoulder blades together while lifting your chest up.
Hold for 20 seconds.
Thoracic Spine Mobility
Sit upright and place your hands at the base of your neck. Lift your chest and elbows slightly up toward the ceiling, hinging around your fingers.
Make sure to keep your chin tucked and only move from the upper back. This should be a small movement. Repeat 10 times.
Thoracic Rotation
Cross your arms across your chest and slowly twist side to side. Only go through the range of motion that is easy and comfortable for you to do.
Repeat 10 times each direction.
Thoracic Side Bending
Reach one arm overhead and gently lean to the opposite side.
Hold for 15 seconds, then switch sides.
Lower Back Flexion
Slowly bend forward, reaching for the floor, and let your back stretch.
Hold for 30-60 seconds.
Hip Rotator Stretch
Cross one ankle over the opposite knee.
Press down gently on the raised knee and hold for 1 minute on each leg.
Inner Thigh Stretch
Sit all the way back in the chair with your legs wide so that they're straddling the chair. Put your hands forward and then lean forward on the chair to pry your thighs apart.
Hold for 30-60 seconds for a comfortable stretch.
Hamstring and Calf Stretch
Extend one leg forward, heel on the floor. Lean forward from the waist to stretch your hamstrings while pulling your toes toward you to stretch your calves. Use a towel or stretching strap as shown below if needed to assist.
Lean forward gently and hold for 20 seconds per leg.
Quadriceps and Hip Flexor Stretch
Slide to the edge of the chair and hang one leg off the side with your knee bent. Squeeze your buttock muscle on that side until you feel a stretch in the front of the hip and thigh.
Hold for 1 minute, and then repeat on the other leg.
Foot and Ankle Mobility
Sit with your foot on the floor. Scrunch your toes slightly to dome your arch. Then turn your ankle inward pivoting on your heel and moving your toes toward midline.
Repeat 10 times on each leg.
Ankle Dorsiflexion Stretch
Place your foot an a chair and lean knee-over-toe to improve your ankle mobility and calf flexibility. Oscillate back and forth.
Repeat for 1 minute each leg.
Chair Strengthening Exercises
Isometric Step-Up for Lower Body Strength
Place one foot on the chair and press down firmly without lifting your body.
Hold for 10 seconds per leg.
Chair Squats
Stand up from the chair and sit back down slowly. Make sure to keep your knees lined up over your toes. When sitting down, reach your hips back toward the chair while leaning your trunk forward.
To stand back up, lean your trunk forward then use your glutes to push your hips and pelvis forward.
Triceps Dips
Sit on the edge of the chair, hands gripping the edge.
Lower your body and push back up 10-12 times.
Push-Ups Using a Chair
Place your hands on the seat of the char and step back into a plank. Lower your chest down toward the seat of the chair, and push back up.
Repeat 10-20 times, or until your chest and/or arms get tired.
Bicep Curls with a Chair
Pick up the chair holding it with your hands. The weight of the chair will be your resistance for this exercise. Bend your elbows and curl the chair toward your shoulders.
Repeat 10-15 times or until you get tired.
Rows with a Chair
Grasp the seat of the chair on both sides. Lean your trunk forward slightly. Then pull the chair up toward your chest in a rowing motion. Squeeze your shoulder blades together while pulling your elbows back.
Repeat 10-15 times or until you get tired.
Note: If you have lower back pain you may want to skip this exercise if forward bending bothers you.
Single-Leg Balance Exercise
Stand next to or the chair and lift one leg up from the floor while balancing on the other leg. Hold on lightly to the chair as needed to help you maintain your balance.
Hold for 10 seconds and switch legs. Repeat 5-10 times on each leg
Standing Leg Lift for Balance and Strength
Hold the chair for support and lift one leg to the side.
Repeat 10 times per leg.
So that concludes the chair exercise routine for seniors.
By incorporating these exercises regularly, you can enhance your overall flexibility, mobility, and quality of life.
Remember to not to push the exercises to the point of pain.
With regular practice, you'll see noticeable improvements in your ability to maintain an active, mobile, and healthy lifestyle as you age.
If you live in the St. Louis area and need further assistance to improve flexibility, decrease pain, get stronger, or improve your balance, we'd be happy to help you here at More 4 Life.
Just tap the button below to request an appointment with one of our specialist physical therapists.