St. Louis Holistic Pain Relief Specialist
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Treatment For Shoulder Pain In St. Louis

Physical Therapy For Shoulder Pain In St. Louis

Do You Need Physical Therapy For Shoulder Pain In St. Louis, MO?
Our Physical Therapy For Shoulder Pain Provides Both Fast And Lasting Relief!

Watch the video to learn how our unique treatment model helps people get fast and lasting relief from shoulder pain even when other treatments have failed...

6 Simple Solutions For Rotator Cuff & Shoulder Pain More 4 Life Physical Therapy St. Louis MO 63011 Gladly Serving Ballwin, Manchester, Chesterfield, Des Peres, Ellisville, and St. Louis County.

Look What Other People In St. Louis Are Saying About Our Physical Therapy For Shoulder Pain

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Need Some Help For Shoulder Pain?

Tap the button below to request an appointment with one of our specialists.

A Personal Message From Shoulder Pain Specialist, Dr. Dave Candy

Dr. Dave Candy physical therapist OCS FAAOMPT


Doctor of Physical Therapy

Board-Certified Specialist in Orthopaedic Physical Therapy

Certified Athletic Trainer

Certified Myofascial Trigger Point Therapist

Fellow, American Academy of Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapists

Hi, I'm Dr. Dave Candy and welcome to More 4 Life!

Do You Need Treatment For Shoulder Pain That Keeps You From Reaching Above Your Head Or Behind Your Back, Lifting Things, Or Sleeping Comfortably At Night?

Shoulder pain can be incredibly annoying, especially if it's your dominant arm (and usually it is 😟)

Shoulder pain can stop you from doing the very basics of life such as:

  • Getting dressed
  • Reaching in the cabinet or pantry
  • Doing chores around the house
  • Lifting your children or grandchildren
  • For some, even wiping after going #2

Even if your shoulder pain isn't that bad yet, it can keep you from doing more active things like throwing a ball, lifting weights, or taking exercise classes.

If you're someone who enjoys being active, even this minor limitations can put a MAJOR cramp in your lifestyle."

Maybe you've been told that you have a rotator cuff tear (or you're afraid that might), and you REALLY don't want to have surgery on your shoulder because you've heard horror stories about how difficult and painful it is to recover from rotator cuff surgery.

If you don't want to "learn to deal with the pain" because "just getting older" and you don't want rely on medications or have to have cortisone injections in your shoulders every few months, then you're in the right place.

If you're looking for a treatment for shoulder pain in St. Louis that will help you get fast & lasting relief from shoulder pain without medications, injections, or surgeries, then we'd love to help.

Click the button below to discover how our unique treatment for shoulder pain can help you.

What is a Shoulder Pain Discovery Visit?

Our Shoulder Pain Discovery Visit is a free, no-risk consultation for people who want to find out how our treatment for shoulder pain can help them before moving forward with treatment.

After all, I realize that if you've been suffering with shoulder pain for awhile, you've probably tried previous things that haven't worked (at least not long-term) such as:

  • Medications
  • You Tube Exercises
  • Injections
  • Massage Therapy
  • Chiropractic
  • Physical Therapy

If you've tried these types of treatment for shoulder pain in the past, and they haven't worked, it's understandable that you might be skeptical of trying one more thing, because you don't want to waste your money one more thing that you aren't certain that will work.

During the Shoulder Pain Discovery Visit, we'll:

  • Take the time to listen to your whole story (without interrupting or jumping right in to prescribe a pill)
  • Find out how your shoulder pain is affecting your life an what YOUR goals are to get out of your treatment
  • Do a thorough physical examination of your shoulder to find the root cause of your pain
  • Give you an easy-to-understand explanation of what's wrong, what needs to be done to fix it, and how long it will take for you to relieve your shoulder pain and get back to doing the things you want to do
  • Explain the next steps and give you the opportunity to ask any and all questions you might have about your shoulder pain or the proposed plan of care.

Then IF, and ONLY IF you're certain that our treatment for shoulder pain can help you, THEN we can proceed forward to schedule treatment.

And if you decide that we're not your best option or you don't feel confident that we can help you, then you can walk away with no obligation to move forward with treatment.

It's 100% Risk-Free!

It's purely a visit to help you decide if we can help your shoulder pain.

Click the button below to request your free Shoulder Pain Discovery Visit

However, if you're not quite ready to talk yet, that's OK.

If your shoulder just recently started to hurt or you're just looking for different treatment options right now but not ready to decide yet, that’s why I’ve put together a FREE e-book called

6 Simple Solutions For Rotator Cuff & Shoulder Pain

to help you learn some things that you can do on your own to start to treat your shoulder pain and get back to the happy, fulfilling life you deserve.

Inside you'll find…

  • Information about rotator cuff and shoulder pain that most people don't know
  • 6 simple self-treatment tips for rotator cuff & shoulder pain that you can start using right away
  • How to sleep comfortably at night without pain or stiffness in the morning.
  • The #1 thing to do to keep your shoulder healthy over the long-term so that the pain doesn't com back.

Just click the “Yes! I Want The FREE Shoulder Pain Guide! button below and you'll instantly receive a copy by email.

You'll learn valuable information that shows you self-treatment options on how to relieve rotator cuff & shoulder pain without pain medication, injections, or surgery, PLUS when it's time to get further help

I treat many people just like you with chronic rotator cuff & shoulder pain, and what I can tell you is that treatments like pain medications, chiropractic adjustments, massage therapy, injections, or surgery may all be helpful in the short-term.  However, on their own, such treatments are not likely to provide long-term relief.

Why? Because they only treat the symptoms of your shoulder pain without ever treating what caused the pain in the first place!

I know so many people who have just accepted that shoulder pain is now a normal part of their lives. This does NOT have to be you! My FREE e-book will explain why you should have hope that you can live happy, fulfilling life without being plagued by chronic neck or shoulder pain.

Inside you’ll find information about rotator cuff and shoulder pain, along with some simple self-treatment tips you can start using today to ease your pain... plus strategies to prevent the pain from coming and live a happier, healthier, less painful life!

This FREE e-book is perfect for you if…

  • You’ve had nagging shoulder pain or stiffness for a long time. -or-
  • You have pain or difficulty reaching or lifting things overheadh -or-
  • You want to get back to activities like lifting weights or other exercises that require you to use your arms -or-
  • Your shoulder pain keeps you from sleeping at night, and you're getting tired of it (literally) -or-
  • Your neck or shoulder pain keeps you from keeping comfortably at night, or you feel stiff in the morning -or-
  • You’ve had treatment for shoulder pain in the past that either didn't work, or hasn't lasted, and you'd like to find out how to get long-term relief.

If shoulder pain is keeping you from sleeping at night, being as active as you'd like during the day, playing with your kids or gradkidss, or just doing basic household chores and self-care then you need to take a few minutes to read this e-book.

This e-book is NOT for you if you're content to live with taking pain medication, don't care about treating the MAIN problem, or you don’t mind continuing to live with your shoulder pain.

What would your life look like in a few months if you were free from shoulder pain?

So go ahead... just click the “Yes! I Want The FREE Shoulder Pain Guide!” button to instantly receive a copy by email.

There’s no catch…I’m doing this because I believe your healthcare decisions are important and having the right information will help you to make the right choices in regards to your shoulder pain.  Just click the button below, and I’ll send it to you right away!

Wishing you the best,

Dr. Dave Candy, PT, DPT, OCS, ATC, FAAOMPT
Owner, More 4 Life

Get A FREE Copy Of Our Shoulder Pain Guide

6 Simple Solutions For Rotator Cuff & Shoulder Pain More 4 Life Physical Therapy St. Louis MO 63011 Gladly Serving Ballwin, Manchester, Chesterfield, Des Peres, Ellisville, and St. Louis County.

Need Some Help For Shoulder Pain?

Tap the button below to request an appointment