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Does Pain From Lumbar Spinal Stenosis Limit How Long You Can Stand Or Walk?

We Help People With Spinal Stenosis Get Relief From Back & Leg Pain Without Injections Or Surgery So They Can Stand Longer And Walk Farther!

Watch the video to learn how our specialist treatment for spinal stenosis can help, even when other treatments have failed...

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A Personal Message From Spinal Stenosis Specialist, Dr. Dave Candy

Dr. Dave Candy physical therapist OCS FAAOMPT


Doctor of Physical Therapy

Board-Certified Specialist in Orthopaedic Physical Therapy

Certified Athletic Trainer

Certified Myofascial Trigger Point Therapist

Fellow, American Academy of Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapists

Hi, I'm Dr. Dave Candy, owner of More 4 Life.

Does pain in your back or legs from lumbar spinal stenosis limit you from standing or walking after just a short amount of time?

Maybe you've had a friend, neighbor, parent, or spouse who had spinals stenosis and had to watch them painful lose their mobility and quality of life... or undergo a risky back surgery with no guarantee for improvement.

And now you're worried that you might be approaching the same fate.

Maybe your doctor has even told you that you you're "just getting older" and you'll have to deal with it, or have injections or surgery to relieve the pain.

But we see proof to the contrary almost every single day in our office.

Spinal Stenosis Is Incredibly Common As You Age

Therefore, as a clinic who specializes primarily in treating people over the age of 50, we see A LOT of cases of spinal stenosis.

With lumbar spinal stenosis, you may experience symptoms such as:

  • Back and leg pain
  • Numbness and tingling in the legs
  • Feeling clumsy or off-balance
  • Having trouble walking long (or short) distances
  • Weakness in your legs or a "drop-foot"

And that's because when you have "stenosis" that literally means a "narrowing" of the spaces around your nerves.

That's usually something that you'll get diagnosed with after having an MRI.

But the good news is: 

Your MRI does NOT determine whether or not you'll be able to recover from spinal stenosis.

After all, an MRI is just a static picture in time when you're lying in a tube.

It doesn't give an indication of your current or future ability to decrease take pressure off your nerves, reduce pain, and be able to stand and walk longer.

But after working with hundreds of patients with lumbar spinal stenosis, I can confidently tell you that MOST people are able to relieve their pain and improve their mobility without surgery.

And it doesn't require living on pain pills, getting injections, or doing hours of exercise everyday.

Often just a few simple changes can make an enormous difference in your pain, function and quality of life.

But each person is different, so those changes aren't necessarily the same for every single person

However, if you'd like to find out what YOU can do to get relief from your spinal stenosis symptoms without relying on pain pills, injections, or surgery, then we'd love to help you.

Our board-certified and fellowship-trained orthopedic manual physical therapists are have specialized training in hands-on techniques to help relieve your pain FAST, sometimes as soon as the first visit.

More importantly though, we can help you identify what you need to do to relieve your pain, improve your mobility and balance, and keep your symptoms from coming back in the future.

And even though we're physical therapists, that doesn't necessarily mean that you'll have to do a bunch of exercises.

We focus on treating you as a whole person and getting you back to the goals that you choose.

Some things that our spinal stenosis patients have gotten back to include:

  • Walking for exercise
  • Golfing
  • Playing pickleball
  • Traveling
  • Hiking
  • Chasing their grandchildren
  • Being able to do their household chores without constantly having to stop and sit down.

...and more.

If you'd like to find out how you can be MORE active with LESS back and leg pain, then we'd love to meet with you to find out how we can help.

Just tap the button below to request an evaluation with one of our specialists.

During that appointment, we'll help you figure out:

  • What causes you spinal stenosis in the first place
  • What you can do to improve your pain and your mobility
  • What we can do to help
  • How long it will take to get you feeling better

...and we'll clarify any questions about cost and insurance coverage before we ask you to make a decision about getting treatment.

So let me ask you a question:

If there was even a chance that we could help you relieve your lumbar spinal stenosis symptoms and get back to the happy, active lifestyle that you want, can you think of a good reason NOT to at least get some more information?

To get more information, just tap the button below to schedule a phone call with one of our specialists. We'll answer any and all questions you have to make sure that we're the best fit to help you with your spinal stenosis.

Look What Others Who Have Seen Our Spinal Stenosis Specialist Are Saying

sciatica, hip pain, TMJ Google review
5 star Google review about back pain, walking, spinal stenosis, sciatica treatement at More 4 Life Physical Therapy in St. Louis

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